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Therapy Session

Root cause


Did you know?

We sometimes unnecessarily and, often, involuntarily, submit to detrimental, harmful, or toxic situations and patterns in our lives, where we fail to recognize our potential for a happier or more successful version of ourselves. Unreasonable, overpowering feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, anxiety or high levels of anger are examples of such patterns that can be crippling or completely destructive, not only to our well-being but also towards those who care about us. The worst part is that we can become so engrossed in these patterns to where we may view them as part of our personality, or even our identity. 


Continuous exposure to such negative thoughts can lead to recurrent illnesses, relationship issues, intimacy challenges, phobias, trauma, and more. Without an understanding of what’s causing these problems or the realization that we can indeed overcome them, we often just accept our “doom” and live with it. This does not have to be the case!

Noticing and challenging these patterns is the key to correcting them and this is where regression therapy can help.

Luminous Transformational Coaching  

Palm Trees

What is Root Cause Therapy?

Root cause therapy is a trauma healing method which uses regression to allow the completion of unprocessed emotions which are still presently causing unwanted thoughts, behaviours and symptoms.  is an approach to treat fears, phobias, or manage unpleasant thoughts that may hinder a person’s ability to design and take control of their life. This practice consists of the 3R’s: retrieve, relive, and resolve past experiences that are manifesting themselves in our present and impeding us from moving forward.

The phrase “it’s all in the mind” can be true in the sense that all our memories, beliefs, and thoughts are, indeed, created and kept in the mind. All our experiences reckoning back to our birth are arranged neatly in the mental framework of our brains, similar to computer files in a memory bank. However, unlike a computer, the mind has a way of keeping only the relevant memories on the surface; the rest remain hidden, repressed, and forgotten.


In general, that’s not a problem; to move forward we need to forget. However, this becomes problematic when such thoughts negatively and indirectly affect our current decisions and actions creating dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anxiety, and even depression. 

Regression therapy can help isolate the exact moment(s) in our past that have created these thoughts, without opening Pandora’s box of those that should be kept hidden. Let’s go into a brief overview of what to expect during a session. 


With the help of a therapist, the client is asked to get in a comfortable position (seated or lying on their back). The therapist then asks preparatory questions to start the session, such as the patient’s name and occupation, slowly moving into reminding the client of what is about to happen – the regression to a period in their past. The client would close his/her eyes, and the process begins. 

As he/she enters a mode of trance and gets to the time when the related incident happened, the therapist attempts to strategically dig deeper into that experience. Right there, impressions, doubts, and pains that may resurface are redefined through the right questions and directed toward resolving the current issues they have triggered. Returning from the state of trance is as smooth as when the client entered it, this time with renewed (or about to be renewed) perspective.

One of the most practised methods of Root cause  therapy is the inner child regression type, where the therapist takes the client to a particular time in the latter’s childhood to find the experience which has impacted the way he/she is as an adult. 

Here’s an example:


Meet Zay. Before regression therapy, she was a teenager who had been afraid to be left alone with her dad. She used to insist on tagging along whenever her mom went out, even to the supermarket. She would panic if her mom disagreed. However, she was not afraid to be alone with her dad when her mom was home. She could be busy in another room, while Zay and her dad watched TV together. Zay was not an only child; she had four other siblings. None of them experienced that same feeling.

Zay could not remember the reason for her discomfort. She bragged that she was her dad’s favourite child. So, she underwent root cause therapy and was taken back to when she was four years old and her parents were having a heated argument. Zay also recalled that her siblings were in school at that time. The fearsome situation made her cry. As her mom walked out of the house, her father asked her to shut up. Her crying then became even more intense, pushing her dad to slap her – something he’d never done to her, nor her siblings, and especially not to her mom. Her dad was not a violent man. While he apologized and tried to pacify her the same day, Zay’s brain was already shut off - her defence mechanisms were attempting to remove her from that situation. She cried and slept, and her mom was home when she woke up.

After the session, Zay understood the source of her discomfort and was able to correct what she now calls “the wrong lesson” from that experience. She admitted that the resulting pattern had damaged her relationship with her father, not to mention her mom and siblings, albeit involuntarily.


Zay isn’t an exclusive case. Those who sought root cause therapy saw improvements in their concerns and lives after only a few sessions. In our practice, we offer the option of choosing a package of four or eight sessions to address your respective challenges through root cause therapy. It is our experience that clients will often see results almost immediately.

When should one consider root cause therapy?

Root cause  therapy can best help those who have experienced some type of trauma, who are suffering from a recurring fear or phobia, or who are hit by unexplained feelings of guilt, anxiety, or low self-esteem that they want to resolve. However, root cause therapy is not limited to such cases. 


It also applies to:

  • Restoring positivity

  • Finding the source of illness

  • Defining and eliminating harmful habits.

  • Eradicating inexplicable feelings of shame

  • Resolving relationship challenges

  • Eliminating panic attacks, and more.


If you or someone you know is having difficulties with any of the above, then we recommend looking into root cause therapy. You may review our packages to see which one you’d like to get started with or contact us here for any additional questions.

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